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Welcome to My Journey

Why Wait? Set That Goal Now!

Why Wait? Set That Goal Now!

It is November.   Before we know it, Thanksgiving will be over and Christmas will be here.  Then the New Year.  This is when people start to think about their New Year’s Resolution.  Some people vow to eat better, go on a new diet, hit the gym, or do something better they are not doing right now.  My question is, Why Wait?  Instead of waiting for January 1st to make all these changes, why not start now?  A New Year’s resolution is when a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their lives. So start now!

Think about it.  If you start that new diet, or start eating healthy, or hit the gym now, think about how far you will be by January 1st.  I understand with all the holidays coming up, there are a lot of food temptations.  Thanksgiving is just one day.  Christmas is just one day.  New Year’s Eve is just one night.  You can eat whatever you want for that day.  So if you want to start a new diet, or eating healthy, start now, and during those days, cheat.  FOR JUST THAT DAY.  All the days in between, you can eat well.  You can go to the gym.  Eating badly for those days will not set you back.

Another thought to think about.  In the past, how often do you stick with your New Year’s Resolution?  Most people are lucky if they are able to make it through all of January.  The problem is, once a person messes up with their resolution, they give up.  If you start now and have a bad day, you can still keep going. You can start fresh the next day.  If you don’t go to the gym one day, double up the next day.  Or if you don’t have a full hour to spend at the gym or working out, do what you can.  Something is better than nothing.

If you want to have a New Year’s resolution for tradition sake, then think about a goal you want to set.  Make sure it is something achievable.  It does not have to be for the whole year, think smaller. Then when you achieve it, keep going with it.  I like to do either a weekly goal, then a monthly goal.  If I try something for a week, and it goes well, I continue another week.  If I can’t meet my own expectation, I tweak it for the next week.  This way it is not a failure.  For this month, November, my goal was and still is to eat vegan since it is World Vegan Month.  I have been enjoying it and learning so much from it.  At the end of the month I will decide if I will continue with it, or maybe change some things for next month.  If I mess us and look at a label too late, then I just keep going.

So think about what goal you want to set for the new week, month, or year.  Set up some bullet points to see what steps you need to take to achieve it.  I would love to hear what your goals are and the steps you took to a conscience living.

I have some FREE goal setting printables.  Go check them out below.


